Press release: Krediidiinfo Launched E-Seif, a Web Environment for Private Individuals
Starting from the current week the new Krediidiinfo’s web environment – E-Seif – is available for private individuals; its objective is to offer people more security in arranging their financial matters.
E-Seif has been created for responsible people who wish to arrange their money issues and who appreciate verified and reliable information when making their decisions. People can get a fast outline, first of all, their own money matters, as well as that of other individuals and companies. Thus far individuals did not have this possibility.
Verification of the background of other individuals and companies is a legitimate and routine activity the purpose of which is avoiding financial transactions with a high level of risk. During the very first days of availability of the E-Seif service people have accessed the environment, e.g. for:
– finding out tenants’ background information;
– establishing the status of travel agencies, when advance payments are requested;
– reviewing the background of stores and electronic commerce environments, when advance payments are requested;
– reviewing employer’s background upon applying for a position.
In the E-Seif environment individuals can make enquiries also about themselves: they can review and eliminate their own payment defaults, check the status of their registered immovables and background information related with enterprise.
For the first time individuals have a possibility of receiving SMS and e-mail messages on a current basis in respect of the information disclosed about them in the Credit Register and the official publication Ametlikud Teadaanded.
E-Seif can be accessed at
To use the environment a person needs to be identified either by an ID card or a bank link.
Similar environments are operating successfully in Finland, Denmark, Norway and elsewhere in the world.