Changes in the reports of Krediidiinfo related to the arrival of Euro
From January 1, 2011 all numbers expressing financial ratios in the reports of Krediidiinfo will be converted into Euros on the basis of the official exchange rate (1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK). An exception will be fixed capital of a company, which will be displayed in registration currency.
In the summary reports of Krediidiinfo Credit Report and Fact Report all financial numbers will be converted into Euros for better comparability. All recommended sums of credit limit will be in Euros as well.
In the report Balance Sheet and Income Statement, which data originate from the accounting report submitted to the commercial register, the original currency will be retained.
Tax debts and their history will be converted into Euros. The history of previous tax debts will show the debts exceeding the threshold of 10 000 EEK. From the Euro Day the relevant limit sum will be 640 EUR.
From January 1, 2011 any debt at least 30,00 EUR (including interests and fine for delay) with the age of more than 45 days from the day following the term of payment shall be considered a payment default.
Unlike the current procedure, debts shall be calculated with the precision of one eurocent.
Information of the official register of payment defaults is used by the banks and major creditors for making of precise credit decisions.