Payment Default Register
Estonian Credit Register was established by Estonian banks in 2001 and it is administered by Creditinfo; it contains delayed payments of companies and private persons. The register was created with the aim to protect companies from chronic debtors and to improve people’s payment discipline.
Get in touchInformation on payment defaults is entered and used by Estonian creditors from all vital areas, such as banking, communications, telecommunications, fuel, trade, construction, rental, transportation, etc.
What is a Payment Default?
Debts lasting more than 45 days, the amount of which is at least 30 euros at the time of transmission, are published in the non-payment register.
Read MoreReasons to Enter Debt Information to the Payment Default Register?
Using the Payment Default Register speeds up the payment of debts, warns other entrepreneurs about debtors and helps everyone make smarter credit decisions.
Read moreWho Can Enter Data to the Registry?
Companies that have entered into an agreement with Creditinfo Estonia have the right to enter the company’s payment defaults in the payment default register through e-Krediidiinfo.
How to Enter Debts to the Registry?
The registration of individual payment defaults in the Payment Default Register takes place in multiple of stages. More detailed overview can be seen in e-Krediidiinfo.
See the manualHow much does it cost to enter payment defaults in e-Krediidiinfo in the Payment Default Register?
Entering payment orders via e-Krediidiinfo is free of charge. Prior to the publication of a payment default, a notice shall be sent to the debtor in case of payment failures entered through e-Krediidiinfo. The cost of sending each payment default notification by post is EUR 2.46 + VAT and by e-mail EUR 1.07 + VAT.